WHY YOU SHOULD DRINK WARM WATER? Different people are living in this world. If we talk about the preferences of people in drinking water, we will find two types of people. The one who likes to drink warm water and the other who likes to drink the chilled water with lots of ice cubes. It totally depends upon your preference that how you like to drink the water. From AYURVEDA to ancient CHINESE MEDICINE, the only thing that everybody agrees on is that water is beneficial when it is consumed warm. Meals in CHINA and JAPAN are always accompanied by warm tea. This is not the masala tea which we are used to. Instead, it is hot water with just a few leaves of green tea or some other tea leaf. This, I have seen in many KOREAN DRAMAS too. SO Today, we will talk about the benefits of drinking warm water on the basis of facts... BENEFITS OF DRINKING WARM WATER 1.IMPROVES DIGESTION Drinking a cup of warm water early in the morning in an empty stomach improves the digestion process and it also prev...
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